The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Ukraine
The Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The International Geometry Center
The organizing committee invites you to participate in the International scientific conference «Algebraic and geometric methods of analysis».
The following are sections of the Conference:
- Section 1. Algebraic methods in geometry;
- Section 2. The differential geometry in general;
- Section 3. The geometry and topology of differentiable manifolds;
- Section 4. The general and algebraic topology;
- Section 5. Geometric and topological methods in natural sciences;
- Section 6. The history and methodology of teaching in mathematics;
- Section 7. Geometric problems in mathematical analysis.
- Section 8. Dynamical systems and their applications.
Organizing-Administrative Committee:
- Egorov B. – chairman, rector of the ONAFT;
- Povarova N. – deputy chairman, Pro-rector for scientific work of the ONAFT;
- Mardar M. – Pro-rector for scientific-pedagogical work and international communications of the ONAFT;
- Fedosov S. – Director of the International Cooperation Center of the ONAFT;
- Volkov V. – Director of the Educational Research Institute of Mechanics, Automation and Computer Systems named after P. M. Platonov;
- Bukaros A. – Dean of the Faculty of automation, mechatronics and robotics;
- Kirillov V., Konovenko N., Fedchenko Yu., Ivanusa B., Nuzhnaya N., Osadchuk E., Khudenko N., Cherevko E.
International Scientific Committee:
Chairman: Prishlyak A. (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Balan V. (Bucharest, Romania)
Banakh T. (Lviv, Ukraine)
Vlasenko I. (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Herega A. (Odessa, Ukraine)
Glushkov A. (Odessa, Ukraine)
Zadorozhnyj V. (Odessa, Ukraine)
Zarichnyi M. (Lviv, Ukraine)
Zelinskiy Y. (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Kirichenko V. (Moscow, Russia)
Kirillov V. (Odessa, Ukraine)
Konovenko N. (Odessa, Ukraine)
Maksymenko S. (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Matsumoto K. (Yamagata, Japan)
Mashkov O. (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Mykytyuk I. (Lviv, Ukraine)
Milka A. (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Mikesh J. (Olomouc, Czech Republic)
Mormul P. (Warsaw, Poland)
Moskaliuk S. (Wien, Austria)
Panzhenskiy V. (Penza, Russia)
Pastur L. (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Plachta L. (Krakov, Poland)
Pokas S. (Odessa, Ukraine)
Polulyakh E. (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Rahula M. (Tartu, Estonia)
Sabitov I. (Moscow, Russia)
Savchenko A. (Kherson, Ukraine)
Sergeeva А. (Odessa, Ukraine)
Strikha M. (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Fedchenko Yu. (Odessa, Ukraine)
Fomenko A. (Moscow, Russia)
Fomenko V. (Taganrog, Russia)
Haddad М. (Wadi al-Nasara, Syria)
Khruslov E. (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Shvets V. (Odessa, Ukraine)
Shelekhov A. (Tver, Russia)
Shurygin V. (Kazan, Russia)
The Conference languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian.
Plenary (35 minutes) and section (20 minutes) presentations are planned.
To register oneself for participating the conference please fill the electronic from on the conference web-site
Abstracts should be prepared in LaTeX format via the following template and should not exceed two pages.
Note that the abstracts that do not fit those requirements will not be considered.
All works will be reviewed. The decision to publish the abstracts of the participants will be taken by the scientific committee.
Please sent your abstract to the following email address: geometry.odessa@gmail.comnot later than May 15, 2017.
The book of abstract will be prepared in electronic form only and will be posted at the conference web page.
Selected papers of AGMA2017 will be published in a special issue of Proceedings of the International Geometry Center.
The registration of the participants will be held at the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies (Odessa, Tenistay str, 9/11) on May, 31, 2017
Registration fee for participating the conference is 400 UAH.
For students, post-graduate students, and accompanying persons we have a reduced registration fee 300 UAH.
In the case of extramural participation registration fee is 300 UAH and for students and post-graduate students 200 UAH..
Банковские реквизиты:
ГО «Клуб молодих вчених Одеської національної академії харчових технологій»
Код ЄДРПОУ 36289108
Банк АБ “Укргазбанк”
МФО 320478
Р/р 26005148151
65039 г. Одесса, ул. Канатная, 112, каб. Д-115
Назначение платежа: ФИО, оргвзнос за участие в конференции «Алгебраические и геометрические методы анализа».
Возможен расчет при регистрации. В стоимость не входит проживание и питание.
The participants are encourage to book a hotel by themselves.
The list of hotels can be found at the official web-site of Odesa city:
We would recommend the hotel of the Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies located just near the lectures hall at the address:
Tenistaya str, 9/11.
Tel. (048) 788-64-13, +38 050 155 95 07, +38 067 796 03 08.