Scientific school “Development of manufacturing technology and investigatioin of physico–chemical, technical and operational characteristics of new functional materials and coatings”. Year of foundation – 1982, founder – prof. I. L. Roich, scientific advisers Professor S. N. Fedosov and Professor A. E. Sergeeva. The research direction of the scientific school – “New substances and materials” – refers to the priority directions of science and technology development of Ukraine (Law of Ukraine No. 2623–III).
The main direction of scientific activity of the school is “Investigation of electrophysical properties of polymer dielectrics intended for the development of new devices, elements and systems”.
Studies in the field of dielectric physics relates to fundamental research that has made a significant contribution to the development of this field of science. The results of our research have received worldwide recognition and are published in such prestigious international physical journals as the Journal of Applied Physics, Applied Physics Letters, Ferroelectrics, Transactions of IEEE and others. The new concept of interrelation of polarization and volume charge in polymer ferroelectrics and electrets put forward by ONAFT scientists was further developed in the joint work of the department teachers with leading foreign scientists, such as Prof. H. von Seggern (Darmstadt Technical University, Germany), Prof. J. Marat–Mendes (Lisbon New University, Portugal), Prof. J. A. Giacometti (University of São Paulo, Brazil). The staff of the department takes an active part in international scientific forums, conferences and symposia. The results of the researches are introduced into the educational process in teaching of general physics courses, section “Electrostatics: properties of dielectrics”, as well as special courses in physics of dielectrics.
Samples of polymer ferroelectrics prepared for studying
The total number of publications is over 1000, including 17 monographs, more than 300 publications in English, including 40 articles in influential foreign journals with a high impact factor. The total number of publications in SCOPUS by only two members of the scientific school is 109, the number of citations of these scientific articles is 508. Professor S. N. Fedosov’s Hirsch index (H = 12) in SCOPUS and Web of Science is the highest among all teachers of ONAFT. According to the number of articles in SCOPUS and the citation index, Professor A. E. Sergeevf (H = 5) is ranked among the top ten of all ONAFT teachers. These important indicators are better than the totals of some institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The list of the most important foreign internships and research missions has 38 points, including work at UNESCO, 16 assignments for visiting professors, NATO internships, numerous reports at international conferences abroad. 29 grants from international scientific foundations have been received, which testifies to the international recognition of the scientific school and its high authority. The actual members of the scientific school in the course of its existence trained 2 Doctors of Sciences and 12 Candidates of Sciences. It maintains contacts with 12 scientific centers, including 9 scientific centers far abroad.
Prof. S.N. Fedosov and Prof. H. von Seggern are at the International Symposium on Electrets
- Scientific field: “Physics of phase transitions and critical phenomena in inhomogeneous systems” under the direction of Professor V. B. Rogankov. The main goal of many years of scientific research is the development of new materials of electronic equipment with ionic conductivity and technologies for their production, the study of the physical and chemical properties of thin films of superionic conductors and the development of sensors of oxygen, halogens, ammonia and freons based on them.
The study of phase transitions and transformations in solutions whose basic component is one or more molten organic salts, called ionic liquids, is a relatively new, but very promising area of research, including the development of modern high technology. In particular, such important applied problems as the transformation of solar energy into thermal and electrical, with the accompanying search for new methods of efficient heat transfer and the accumulation of solar energy, can be solved with solutions of ionic liquids, as it is planned to substantiate as a result of the conducted research. The use of new nanomaterials will significantly increase the efficiency of energy conversion in solar installations.
Evidence of recognition of the scientific achievements of Professor V. B. Rogankov and his followers is the active cooperation with such well–known scientists as Prof. M. Fisher and Prof. M. A. Anisimov (University of Maryland, USA), Prof. G. Smith (Salt Lake City University, USA), Prof. J. Schmelzer (Bochum University, Germany), cooperation with other universities, in particular in Hungary.
21 articles of Prof. V. B. Rogankov are registered in the scientific base of Scopus and 67 foreign scientists refer to his work. The citation index of his articles (H = 6) is one of the highest among ONAFT teachers.
The basic model of fluctuation thermodynamics is described and illustrated by the relevant data for pure IP. The research results are outlined in a monograph published by Prof. V. B. Rogankov in English in 2016. In the following stages, a new validated methodology for predicting the properties of pure IPs and their solutions in the field of phase transitions and critical solution lines is envisaged.
Setup for the studying pyroelectric properties of polymer ferroelectrics
- Scientific field “Research of thin vacuum polymer films and coatings of functional application”, scientific supervisor – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Prof. V. G. Zadorozhny. Vacuum polymer film and coating technology developments have been implemented at the Far Communication NGO, the Research Institute of Optical and Physical Measurements, the State Optical Institute, the Radio Engineering Institute, and the Dentistry Clinic at the Odessa National Medical University.
- Scientific field “Improving the productivity of profile grinding on CNC machines on the basis of adaptation of technological system elements” in recent years has been developed by Prof. N. V. Lishchenko, who successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on this topic in 2018 and received the Doctor of Technical Sciences degree. The results of the scientific developments were introduced into the industry. Processes and technological systems of diamond–abrasive and blade processing are optimized and methods of technological diagnostics and adaptive control of machine tools according to physical parameters of processes are developed. The work is being carried out jointly with two foreign universities.